Friday, 10 May 2013

Our first mechanical issue

We are spending our second night in Loxton, a little town only about 30 minutes down the Murray from Berri.

This was the morning we were leaving Martins Bend from right near our van.




We headed off early Thursday morning with our first stop the township of Berri where we had a stop at the Library for Linc to do a couple more PRC books and they had kids activities on. They were making Mothers Day cards so we did that for an hour or so. Then up the road to a little town called Monash which is known only for its huge outdoor, free kids playground.

(Having a few technical issues and can't show you the photo's. I will add them when I get it sorted out).

The kids had a great time playing on the massive swing and slide, climbing over the towers and Patrick really loved the diggers. But the winner was the maze. I think the kids are now hooked on mazes after the one at Woodsies in Mildura.

Then we came back through Berri to Loxton.

Big Orange in Berri.

And the at our caravan park in Loxton.

We are in a caravan park right on the banks of the Murray, although not quite as close as our free camping site. We dropped into the Information centre and got another big pile of brochures and some great local knowledge. They told us that the local club did a kids eat free special on Thursday nights so we decided we would have our first meal out after a really good wash as we hadn't showered since Mildura. Unfortunately when we were unhitching the van the bracket that holds the jockey wheel onto the van snapped. That meant we couldn't unhitch and neither TJ or I felt like repacking the van and towing with us for dinner so we decided on a home cooked meal much to the kids disappointment.

However we all really enjoyed our showers and TJ started washing the huge pile that had developed from 48 hours without showers or grass on our site.

I made some phone calls last night and spoke to some experts in the park and so this morning was spent purchasing a bracket and having the old one cut off and a new one welded on by a local engineer.

TJ spent the whole time washing and hanging clothes out and holding school lessons. Unfortunately the task of preparing the lessons has fallen predominantly on her as I am usually typing the blog at night. She also seems to do most of the lessons.

After a quick lunch we did a little sightseeing then visited the Loxton Heritage village which was fantastic. It is an old town with some amazingly well maintained and restored historical items. They have about 35 different buildings, barber, baker, radio shop, post office, bank etc that have either been built or in most cases transported and rebuilt on the site. They have also gathered some incredible things like the radios and phones in one shop, the fully stocked general store. I was really impressed.

Twice a year they have a day where the locals and volunteers bring the place to life by dressing in the clothes and opening the stores including the bakery and the blacksmiths. It isn't on till June so we won't be here but it is something I would keep an eye out for if you are down this way.

We just had pizza for dinner, not as good as going out but it does make up for last night a little bit. Now it is time to plan our next few days and pack up. We should be at the bottom of the Murray in a couple of days and then we are hoping to get to Kangaroo Island soon after that but the weather reports are not very promising.

This is great fun!!!


  1. Beautiful photos at Martin's Bend. Sorry to see that Lincoln got locked up though - we hope he gets bailed soon.
    Do they have NRL on tv over there? It would be a shame if you're missing out on the Rabbitohs' great form.
    A big hug to all the kids.

    1. Martins Bend was beautiful. I couldn't resist a couple of pics of daybreak and sunrise. We did get Lincoln out later that day, apparently he was released early for good behaviour. Unfortunately there hasn't been much in the way of TV and apart from a snippet on the news of Greg Inglis scoring a try a couple of nights ago I haven't seen anything. I did hear that we have continued winning and that the storm lost last week so that is good. I try to look at an online scoreboard from time to time. Hope you have been cheering them on for us. Say hi to all and send our love!!!
